Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Generating a Batch Print Using DOS Batch Files

A windows batch file (.bat) responsible for starting the batch printing should be of format
msbatch csprint "c:\temp\batchtestfile.ppf"
where msbatch tells MicroStation to run the batch file with the specified parameters, and where csprint starts the csprint module within Bentley Advanced Map Finishing, and where the full path name of the PPF containing the Bentley Advanced Map Finishing settings is placed within quotation marks.
Note: If the path is not placed within quotation marks, path names containing spaces will not work.

Once the batch file has been created it should be placed within the MicroStation directory. For example, if MicroStation is installed in the c:\bentley directory, then the batch file should be in the c:\Bentley\Program\MicroStation directory. The msbatch.bat file should also be in this directory.

Once the PPF has been setup, start batch printing by either running or double clicking the newly created batch file.

During a batch print, errors or warnings may arise. The difference between errors and warnings is that errors are fatal problems in the program that result in the program ceasing immediately and no print job being completed. Warnings are informational and usually indicate that a previously defined token has been overridden or modified by another token. With warnings, the print job continues until completion.